Wednesday, July 14, 2010

(One)-Shots and Snippets

Since my last post, I've uploaded two one-shots to

In Heaven's Despite

Tyrants are not created in a day, but rather over time. Miraz always selfishly took from his brother, forgetting what being a brother truly meant. A look at Miraz's progression from childhood bully to murderous traitor. 

From the Attic Poor

from the attic poor to the palace grand, the king and beggar went hand-in-hand. Peter encounters a poor lost little boy on the street, and is determined to help him.

In other news, I was cleaning out my documents earlier today, and I came across a document in my fanfic folder simply labeled "characters". I clicked on it, and I found that it was a bunch of drabbles based on a song challenge I had started and never finished. These drabbles have not been proof-read(or actually, re-read at all) but since I'm never going to post them, I figured I would at least put it here:

1.    Pick a character, pairing, or fandom you like.
2. Turn your music player on and turn it on random/shuffle.
3. Write a drabblet/ficlet related to each song that plays. You only have the time frame of the song to finish the drabble; you start when the song starts, and stop when it's over. No lingering afterward! No matter how whacked out your drabble is.
4. Do ten of these, then post them.

1.Broken -Edmund
He gasped. The air filling his lungs never seemed enough. It took all his will not to scream out, but he was safe now, safe from everything. That’s what his mind said. His heart, however, felt a different matter. The clock on the bedside ticked slowly by, and he knew he would go to sleep again this night.
Edmund shivered, trying to keep his composure under control. He wouldn’t cry out this night, he wouldn’t! It would be pointless anyway. He guarded his heart so carefully, but all his siblings saw the demons that plagued him. He was falling apart and healing at the same time, a mixture of entropy and hope. It all seemed so strange to him, didn’t make sense, but it was comforting.
Edmund leaned backed and closed his eyes, willing his mind to see the Great Lion and not another terror yet this night. It took all his will, but he would continue this routine for the rest of his life if he needed to. In the pain, in the anguish, he found some sort of healing. It wasn’t something he could explain, but just something he knew. He was on his way home.

2.White Horse-Susan
The air was bleak and dreary, matching the emotion she felt in her heart. She couldn’t help but to cry. She replayed the scene in her mind, all the signs pointing to the end of the night when her heart was broken. Susan had believed this one would be different, he seemed so kind, so gentlemanly. . . like the knights that used to fight for her hand.
She shook her head. She wasn’t in Narnia anymore; no longer a Queen. Her life was nothing more than mudane. Why her love be any different? Had she thought herself invincible to a broken heart? She had to deal with reality, and she understood that now. Understood only too well.
She pushed the memory of Narnia out of sight, out of mind. If she couldn’t have her happy ending, she didn’t want to think about it. Her heart, over the years, had grown angry, and her heart couldn’t take it anymore. She locked it in. Narnia was no more for Susan.

3.Meant to Live- Peter
It all seemed so mudane to him now that he thought about it. England. He couldn’t see how he could have ever been enarmored with the small, petty little beautiful things he saw her. Sure, the flashy lights at the cinema were interesting and the beachside, where they would sometimes go in the summer, could be absolutely stunning, but he had yet to find anything that could have begun to compare to a brilliant Narnian sunrise.
And somewhere along the way, in the gray England countryside, he had found himself, and now in London he had lost it again. Somewhere, inside, he knew there was so much more than he could recall, more than he would ever touch again. It was such a deep longing, almost unbearable.
He could see his father, and his friend’s father, fighting in a war that so many men had forgotten why they were fighting. It was an honorable cause, to be sure, but Peter just wouldn’t be able to take it. He needed more than his father’s war, needed more than England’s war. He had to fight his own fight against the world and win, to find himself here again.

4. Falling Inside the Black- Aragorn
The rain poured down, a constant companion to his misery. The black, dreary world seemed so disconnected from the battle in his soul. The battle of hope and light, despair and darkness. He felt the burden of the world placed upon him. He was hope for everyone else. Could be have hope for himself? He felt as if he was slowly fading into the dark abyss of uncertainty, the chasm of failure. He was hanging on by a rope, and as he set out that night, a lone traveler after a failed mission¸that rope was slowly started to fade. The rain poured in his eyes, stinging harshly. The night closed in around him, searching him, seeking him. Testing him. It invaded him, to the depths of his soul. He felt his heart slowly fall away even as he tried to hold onto it harder. He would keep, he would sustain, he would endure. He would endure.

5. Cinderella- Peter and Lucy, sibling fluff
Lucy Pevensie had that “little sister” look on, and it was working well. Peter feigned a sigh, acting as if he felt obligated to indulge her. Secretly, he winked to her, showing her he really didn’t mind. Lucy’s grin turned genuine as Peter lead her out onto the floor. He danced and she followed.
Lucy smiled contently. It was the moments like these with her big brother that she waited for. Dukes and knights were dancing all around her, as well as Susan and Edmund dancing somewhere on the floor, but at the moment she was concentrated only on one thing: Peter.
The eldest of the siblings smiled happily down at his younger sister. It was well-known throughout the kingdom that the high king would do anything for any of his siblings, but he had always felt closest to Lucy than Susan. Susan was his partner in thinking in running the kingdom. She was clever and intelligent and she knew just what to do. Edmund was every inch his brother, the one who fought with him in life and death. Lucy was the one he could dote on affectionly. And he took every chance.
The clock struck, symbolizing the end of the ball. With exaggerated gestures, he bowed and Lucy laughed. These were the moments they waited for.

6.  Good Girl- Lucy
Lucy Pevensie had always been a bit of an oddity, but now she was considered even more so. There was this constant aura around her that she was completely alone in her happiness. Make no mistake, everyone liked Lucy Pevensie. They just didn’t all know how to take her bouncy smile and the fact she never seemed to have a bad day. Though of course they didn’t see what happened behind the scenes- the times Lucy cried in her room, or blew up at sister, or seemed so alone. Once, an adult asked Helen Pevensie about the strange enigma that was Lucy. Helen just laughed and said Lucy had always been a good child, but seemed stranger ever since her children had returned from the time spent with the Professor.

7. Storm-Edmund
The wind and rain that battered the windows seemed to mirror the emotions Edmund felt in his heart so well. It had been about three months since the siblings had returned from Narnia, and they were all having trouble adjusting. Edmund often described the feeling as if he was in the middle of a hurricane on a one-person canoe. He felt if the winds would just abate for a minute; if he could just see a glimpse of Aslan’s face, then he would be able to go on. That everything would work itself all right in the end. But the truth was, Edmund had felt or seen none of those things. He was having to learn to deal one minute at a type. He tried to keep in his heart the lessons learned from Narnia. For him, there were several, starting with resisting temptation to protecting his older brother. 

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